
Woodland Box Turtle

OHPARC is an all volunteer network led by two Co-Chairs and an Advisory Board

Guidelines for the structure & operation of OHPARC were adopted April 5th, 2017. Read them here.

A Unique Conservation Network

  • PARC includes all reptiles and amphibians
  • PARC is habitat focused
  • PARC focuses on endangered and threatened species and keeping common native species common
  • PARC includes all individuals, organizations, and agencies that have an interest in reptile and amphibian conservation

PARC is:

  • A diverse group of like-minded citizens, professionals, and organizations
  • An open forum for discussing herpetofaunal conservation
  • A national and international conservation network
  • A resource for everyone who values herpetofauna and their habitats
  • Based on local, regional, and national efforts
  • An advocate of inclusive reptile and amphibian conservation

PARC is not:

  • A competitor
  • A funding organization
  • A policy maker