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2017 MWPARC Annual Meeting

Bradford Woods, Martinsville, IN 5040 State Road 67 N, Martinsville, IN, United States

Conservation, Management, and Monitoring of Fossorial Species

2018 Ohio Natural History Conference

Cleveland Museum of Natural History 1 Wade Oval Drive, Cleveland, OH, United States

The Ohio Natural History Conference will be visiting each physiogeographic region of Ohio over the next several years to highlight each area's unique features and biodiversity. There will be natural history talks, posters, vendors, field trips, networking activities, and more. This all-day event is open to everyone! So spread the word and join us

2018 Ohio Amphibian & Reptile Conference

The Ohio Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (OHPARC) annual conference brings together invited speakers from around the state to present findings of recent research and conservation projects involving Ohio’s amphibians, reptiles, and their habitats. If you are interested in learning more about Ohio’s herps and networking with others in the field, then be sure

2018 Save Our Streams – Hosted By Izaak Walton

Save Our Streams (SOS) is a fun way to test water quality by collecting and identifying underwater critters, called macroinvertebrates. The Izaak Walton League is working with the Central Ohio Chapter to provide a workshop for those who wish to learn how to test their local water quality and become a certified SOS monitor. IWLA


2019 Ohio Natural History Conference

Ohio History Center 800 E. 17th Ave, Columbus, OH, United States

OHIO NATURAL HISTORY CONFERENCE 2019 Registration now open:  Click HERE Theme: Ohio’s Aquatic Systems: Historical Tragedies and Tales of Recovery Keynote presented by Dr. Jeff Reutter – Lake Erie and the Waters of Ohio:  Past, Present and Future Registration Rate:  Regular $30, Student $20 Timeframe:  Refreshments and registration begins at 8:30am.  Closing remarks ~4:00pm Location: Ohio History Center  in

Ohio Natural History Conference 2021


Biodiversity & Technology: The Future of Natural History Presentations will highlight various technologies that have allowed us to gain access and gather field data in new ways. Topics include: Automated radio telemetry to track migratory wildlife Phone Apps with unique projects that combine data from field professionals and Citizen Scientist Drones to monitor forest health and track tree diseases Acoustic telemetry to monitor Great Lakes fish movement Motion sensor cameras to identify wildlife corridors and occurrences of



THE CARDINAL RULE – EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Discover the cardinal rule of nature – everything is connected - at the 37th annual Ohio Wildlife Diversity Conference. Hosted by the ODNR Division of Wildlife, the conference will be held virtually on Friday, March 5th. The conference is available free of charge to all registrants. The conference will feature three


Ohio Natural History Conference 2025

Southeast Ohio: The Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau Salt Fork Lodge & Conference Center 11073 Natural Resources Rd 3 Kimbolton, OH 43749   For additional information on lodging, virtual attendance, and registration visit: