Join Mailing List

OHPARC uses a Mailing List to facilitate communication among its members.

Subscription is free and open to anyone interested in the conservation of Ohio’s amphibians, reptiles, and their habitats.

This is a discussion form meaning subscribers are able to post messages to the group by sending an email to and can respond to postings.

Terms of use for the OHPARC Mailing List:

  1. Do not use the forum for illegal purposes, including, but not limited to, defamation, violation of intellectual property laws, anti-trust or unfair competition laws or criminal laws.
  2. Do not intentionally interfere with or disrupt other forum members, network services, or network equipment. Do not distribute unsolicited advertising, chain letters, computer worms or viruses, or use the network to make unauthorized entry into any other machine accessible via the Forum.
  3. “Personal reflections” upon other members, no matter how serious their differences over policy questions, is prohibited. Common courtesy and respect, which excludes personal attacks or criticism, must be observed. Sweeping statements disparaging professions or groups of individuals are not constructive and will not be tolerated.
  4. Postings should pertain to amphibian and reptile conservation issues, and not to unrelated issues. Messages urging Mailing List members to advocate for issues that do not directly relate to amphibian and reptile conservation and the work of OHPARC, are not to be placed on the Mailing List, no matter how worthy the cause.
  5. Communications should be oriented towards increasing the knowledge base of those concerned with amphibian and reptile conservation. The Mailing List is a forum for sharing information and community building. It is a place where differences of opinion can be aired, however, with courtesy and respect.
  6. Do not use the Mailing List for commercial purposes. “Commercial” as used for purposes of evaluating Mailing List messages means communications whose primary purpose is to advance the business or financial interests of any person or entity, or otherwise to promote a financial transaction for the benefit of the author directly or indirectly. Examples of prohibited communications include advertisements for non-OHPARC products or services.  Examples of messages that are allowable because they do not inure to the financial benefit of the author include news of job listings or position openings, or discussion of profession-related products or services where the Mailing List member conveying the information is not in the business of selling the products or services. Announcements that provide useful professional information to List members but may also have some incidental commercial benefit to the sender (e.g. an author who is a list member merely advising the List of publication of a professional book) typically would not be “commercial” for purposes of this restriction.
  7. OHPARC retains the right to remove users who are found in violation of the above terms of use or the spirit in which they were written.
    1. Upon the first violation, a warning will be sent by directly to the violator, with a reminder of the rules and an explanation of the violation.
    2. In the case of a second violation, the violator will be informed of the nature of the violation, and that a third violation will result in permanent removal from the Mailing List.
    3. Upon the third infraction within one year, the subscriber is permanently removed and blocked from the Mailing List.